A Facialist – WHO is she and how to choose the BEST professional?

* Photo credit: Pinterest. That Girl On Budget
Facialist is a Beautician who knows various modern techniques for Face & Body as well as Skincare products and is capable to MIX IT ALL UP for the BEST RESULT on a specific client.
She is immediately able to determine your type of aging as well as your morphotype, giving also precise recommendations about lifestyle, nutrition and stress management.
A Facialist is a Magician of Natural Rejuvenation, able to remove 5, 10 or more years from your physical appearance by using holistic non-invasive methods, exploring with you efficient and fun beauty tools, light and oxygen therapy.
History of the Profession The first Facialists appeared in the United States 15 years ago, especially in Los Angeles, the home of Hollywood as well as green beauty. Nowadays you can find those highly trained beauty masters also in Europe.
What does a Facialist DO ?
A talented Facialist also knows which skincare products suit the best a particular client and usually sells thoroughly sourced products for home use. Daily routines are the BASIS and products come along as a bonus, cherry on the top.
A Facialist consults her clients about their (daily) SELF-CARE, including relaxation of the muscles, some exercises, auto-massage, personal selection of organic skincare and lifestyle management. The BEST results are created in the synergy between salon treatments and home care.

* Photo credit: Pinterest. Boredpanda.com
What results do expect from a Facialist treatment ?
- Your Skin Color turns to Healthy, ALIVE reflecting in light pink color like a fresh apple on a late summer evening.
- Skin texture is EVEN, pores are rather small and the general complexion is very appealing. Good Facialists work layering different peelings and organic masks in a very natural way. The results are always STUNNING !
- Your Oval of the Face is re-scuplted to a babyface, characterized by high cheekbones and well-designed contours.
- Facial Features are RELAXED and LIFTED at the same time: your LIPS are plumped and EYES OPEN. This result is immediately visible on before / after photos.

* Photo credit: Pinterest. Maribelle
HOW TO CHOOSE your Facialist ? Checklist
- The first strong indicator is HOW SHE LOOKS herself, both PHYSICALLY – skin, signs of aging, body size & structure and also ENERGETICALLY – is she Happy ? Is she Glowy ?
- You can ask her to show several BEFORE / AFTER RESULTS of her clients.
- Check out what SKINCARE PRODUCTS she uses in her work. Is it only 1 brand or is she competent in MIXING ? Is everything FULLY ORGANIC ? You can also look up those brands for more insights.
Price range : Starting at 100€ and going up to 1000€ / hour for celebrity Facialists. Usually varies between 200 to 300€ per treatment.
Once you find this RARE 💎 GEM of a Facialist, you FEEL GOOD and you SEE THE RESULTS I recommend to trust her on your treatment plan and GO ALL IN. If possible, make a CURE of 5 to 10 regular treatments combined with trainings for home-care.
As the relationship builds up in frequency, your specialist also gets to know you better, in time. The BIG MAKEOVERS often take several sessions. This JOY and BOOST of SELF-ESTEEM you get from your rejuvenated look is worth the investment.

Photo credit: Pinterest. Xoxoalyssa