Become your own personal BEAUTY GURU!

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MARGIT, 44, Helsinki, FINLAND

What first attracted me about Mari was her frequency of luxury. The way how Mari chooses things, products and activities with precision, there is no place for such a sentence as: “It also works!”. This aspect fully fascinated me because I wanted to be in that vibe myself as well !

The world of creams and self-care has always attracted me and Mari came into my life just at the right time when I had started looking for alternatives to invasive treatments. I had already the knowing inside me that the heavy procedures are not the real solution for body and skin aging and that they certainly do not contain anything useful that I need.

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Doing the 1 to 1 individual work with Mari , I gained more confidence, I am now a grown-up woman not a scared little girl. Yes, even at the age of 43, you can still be a scared child inside! I also learned to listen more my body, what my body tells me, what to eat and what to drink. I no longer go along so easily with the illusions created by the mind such as that we will take one chocolate today, I am worth it, I only live once, so what does it matter … Instead of eating chocolate, I would rather look inside myself to see what is there that I don’t want to admit to myself or what emotions I want to stuff or compensate with the food.


I am no longer afraid to make my own decisions or waiting for the Universe to send me solutions. I am myself responsible for my own life, I create my own life and I can decide every day what kind of life I want to live.


I now have lifelong techniques about how to take care of my face and body, how to keep my lymphatic system in order and there is one more important thing – I have decided to LIVE this life. The knowledge only is not enough, you also have to implement this knowledge into your everyday life and be consistent. Consistency is the golden key here!


Half a year ago, I thought that I would spend the rest of my life using so-called anti-pimple creams for the youngsters and that I would have no other option than to accept the dark circles under my eyes. Today, I am no longer afraid of the pimples, because they simply do not exist anymore and I am not facing the woman with dark circles and bags under the eyes in the morning. 😊

TRIIN, 43, South of ESTONIA

I had a very wonderful experience working with Mari. I have tried many diets and all kinds of things and the weight has only dropped 2 kg or so… But with Mari’s guidance, I lost a total of -6 kg in 6 weeks. It was a powerful journey, there was also a lot of getting rid of my own crap. Being driven by the belief that everything is for my highest good.  

And it happened. I am in a completely different place with myself than I was before… Much higher energy level and my standards are high. My first event for women was completely created from the emptiness and it was so powerful.. All the women were full of joy and asked when the second part was coming up. ❤️ 

I am so grateful to you Mari for this individual work. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

AURORE, 45, Versailles, FRANCE

Exceptional Coaching!

Mari’s coaching combines both, beauty coaching, which allows you to learn how to do high-level body and face care by yourself and energy coaching, which allows you to improve and move forward quickly and with confidence in all your personal and professional projects, to leave more space for your creativity and to adapt to any new situation.

The results are incredible on all levels.

I recommend without hesitation – to do and redo: each new program by Mari gives an additional upgrade 🙂

A big thanks for everything Mari!